Welcome to all free peoples, living in a not so free society!

This site is dedicated for now, to the fight to change the most recent amendments to and implementation of the Adam Walsh Act into the Kansas Sex offender Act..


This first Post is going to be brief and to the point!

I assume if you have found this site your either directly or indirectly affected by this law change, and are familiar enough with it, that for now I need not go into great detail of the laws themselves..

I have spoken to many registered offenders as of July 1, 2011

Many of you out there have been angered about the recent changes in the time you’re required to register!!

Many of you entered a (contract) plea bargain with your local DA’s office, which included a registration time period of ten years…

Many of you as of this writing, would have been done with your registration obligations NOW or very soon!

I have noticed that there are many people who want this retro active aspect of this new law removed as it is deemed unconstitutional..

However, many of you lack the time or the desire to go public in order to be an effective force to facilitate the change!

I am here!

I am committing my self full-time to working to get changed to happen!

Freedom however is often not free!

For those of you who will benefit from this law change, who do not wish to go public ( I understand) you can help with funds!

This is not only going to take concerted effort, but also a great deal of time and energy!

We can look to the fight in Ohio

That fight took 3 yrs and MUCH effort!

I will dutifully fight the fight!

I will need many of you to assist physically…

I cannot do this all alone…

For those of you who cannot participate in person, for whatever reason, its you who we all turn to, to support this fight with your donations…


Every action taken in the courts, and all public actions taken will be posted here, as well as an opportunity for the entire offender community to come together, to inform us, and each other of events, addresses, info, etc! Consider this the community blog for all of those who themselves and or family or friends are being affected.. Please keep your emails to me brief… I understand we all have personal stories… Trust me, I have my own! However, its easy to get lost in our frustrations and self-pity!! There is no time to pity pot! Now is the time of ACTION, unless you want to still be doing this when your barely able to get out of your house due to age, illness or other issues that may come in time! I want to keep the overall tone positive, as this is a fight that is just beginning!

The road ahead is long and winding… we have all shed many tears by now… let us rejoice in our power to effect change, rather than wallow in our sorrows for our own misdeeds, as well as the misdeeds of legislation…

Be peaceful!


Any comments,or email that is in anyway, shape or form, abusive or harassing will be handled with all possible legal remedies!

5 comments on “Welcome to all free peoples, living in a not so free society!

  1. Excellent!


  2. Most registrants in Kansas had a 10 year registration period. The problem is not like Ohio where the justices there determined the duration time.
    Here in Kansas, along with other states, is that registration duties are not part of a plea bargain. It is mandated by its own law. The law is based on the victims age and what type of crime. The sentencing judges have no discretion here as opposed to Ohio.
    Ohio was a seperation of powers issue. So here in Kansas, we would have to find another route to argue these laws based on punitive grounds.
    I have looked through the Kansas Constitution and have found no retroactivity clause. If I’m wrong on this, I would like to know.


  3. Hello,

    Are you a lawyer or a person affected by the Adam Walsh Act? My husband would of had another year of registering , but as everyone knows (some may not) we are going backwards with this law. It Infuriates me to know that our rights can be taken away with just a signature .
    Im not speaking of only my husbands rights,the rights of myself and my children are taken away too! I can tell you that I would no longer die for a country, a country that can not keep their word.I can not donate much but i will try to donate something.


  4. I’m glad to see an organized group like this here in Kansas. I’ve definitely been impacted by the implementation of the adam walsh act here in Kansas. I’m also greatly concerned about
    SB 39, http://kslegislature.org/li/b2011_12/year1/measures/sb39/ , which aims to implement a 1000 foot residency restriction. I’m sure I don’t need to mention how damaging this would be. It also includes Halloween restrictions which would basicly put a person on house arrest for six hours on Halloween night among other rights violations. If they do this on Halloween they’ll be trying to do it on other holidays aswell. I hope this group will work to fight this bill aswell and keep an eye on the group (Kansas Rights for Kids – http://kansasrights4kids.weebly.com/ as they are the ones that are trying to get this bill passed and God only knows what else they have up there sleeve. I’ll do what I can to help fight this nonsense.


    • Tim ,
      These people want to pass the SB 39, which will include an estimated $30,296 State Funds .They also want to change the current driver’s license system this ,they estimated to be = $9,000 to place the “Aggravated Sex Offender” label on certain licenses ; $17,696 + $3,600 in programming costs to modify the current driver’s license system.Let me know if i missed something on that Bill.Oh and then doe’snt this just make it better ,check this out:
      “The Kansas Sentencing Commission estimates that passage of SB 39 would result in an increase of 122 adult prison beds in FY 2012 and an increase of 465 adult prison beds by FY 2021” OH JOY ! MORE MONEY!!
      Well, this sounds like a waist of money. Money, money ,Thats what it’s all about!


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