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Freedom is not free…DONATE HERE!

While I feel I must fight this barrage of unconstitutional issue, unfortunately its a very demanding and at times overwhelming task…

Through the months we have struggled along to do the best we can with what we have.

We have a wish list if anyone cares to donate actual Items, and we also ask that you donate funds as monthly internet cost and the likes are an absolute necessity in order for us to continue with the research and outreach..This battle is just beginning, as time rolls and court decisions are rendered we will need your support more and more… I understand that many of you whom I have spoken with, due to the lives you have built up, do not want to have your names or identities brought out into public, well I didn’t either… But If I did not push to get something going, the window of time was going to start closing to be effective at fighting this issue… We, Earnest and myself, have chosen to fight on the behalf of all of you whose constitutional rights have been violated by the addition of time added to your length of registration, along with all the other infringements placed upon us… I have received many letters about your stories and pain… I sympathize 100%… Now I need you, those of you who wish to remain in the back stage area.. To participate by donating $$$.. I understand lives are busy, time is precious, and we all must continue to live as we sit back and watch the judicial system unfold before our cries…If you cannot participate by showing up in court and testifying, then please at bare minimum, donate to the cause.. We need your help to fight for your rights…and thats exactly what we are doing… Fighting for the rights of each and every one whose lives have been affected by the changes in this new law, making it retroactive… Those who has 10 years , some now have 25, and many more have went from ten years to lifetime…If your not fighting like your life depends on it, which indeed it does, then there is something not right!

So again, here me… This is not an easy or free fight… Just the basics of time and gas and printers and ink…all of this costs, and over the months has added up substantially… We ask that you help us to help you…

Victoria Bliss KansasLaw.wordpress.com


One comment on “Freedom is not free…DONATE HERE!

  1. I left a msg on the phone voice mail. Please feel free to give me a call. There are others that want to help out here. Just learned of you today.


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